Saturday, July 13, 2024

Song(s) of the Day # 3,794 Odie Leigh


The new bohemian beatnik schtik. Singing about your college days, and good time you spent with your roomie. If Odie Leigh had been coming of age in the early Sixties she'd have been consudering her options. Whether to relocate to Greenwich Village with her acoustic in its guitar case. Or else for the West Coast and the new dawn.

Instead she's releasing her debut album Carrier Pigeon with a fantastically designed cover which looked it was cut and pasted together with scissors, coloured paper and glue but was actually [robably done on a Mac.

As for the record. It's a delight. I' warrant that Odie knows her Joni and Rickie Lee. One glance at her Spotify lists confirms this. She knows her Marty Robbins. Her Fiona Apple.

She's used her listening and her creative skills to come up with a captivating record I was pleased yo chance upon in the early morning hours when I was struggling for shut eye. Either Way sounds like a hit to me.  

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