Sunday, July 7, 2024

Song(s) of the Day # 3,788 Richard Tripps


Fantastische ! Fabelhaft ! Wnuderbar ! And other German synonym adjectives for pretty bloody great.Richard Tripps is not a name I've heard before an I doubt very much whether you're very familiar with either his name or work. But sit up and pay attention because his debut album Between The Morning is something rather special.

Out of New Hope, Pennsylvania which is immediately a place  I want to g to right now. The album sports a picture of Tripps trudging up a hillside in blue clothing towards a blue sunrise shoulers hunched by determined.

The sound is meandering Lo Fi strumming out of The Mk 2 Velvet Underground, flights of pastoral Seventies Folk frippery, Beck and Allah La's garage. This is an expansive, idiosyncratice album at ease in its skin. I couldn't think of a better way to start a Sunday morning.


  1. Really like this, Bruce, great find! For the first time in forever, I had no new albums to check out on Friday. This hit the spot.
