Saturday, July 6, 2024

Song(s) of the Day # 3,787 Gnod


Earlier on this year I had a curious evening with Russian duo Gnoomes at Cumberland Arms. They seemed to offer a curious synthesis of The Brothers Karamzove and Yazoo. Dostoevesky meets The Blitz club. With added medieval monk chanting.

Gnod, the Pischedelic Manchester collective seem to offer a similar conceit on latest album Spot Land, It's a curious sonic exercise, probably best suited to the twighlight or midnight hours as you prepare either to rise or turn in. If you don't beieve me there's an track called Pilgrim's Progress here. Gnod are clearly in for a penny, in for a pound.  

This is largely instrumental music aside from the wordless plaintive chanting. Ultimately I found the siren wails rather waearing and Prog like for ,my personal tastes. It veered alarmingly into Love Over Gold territory at times.  But this seems like a sound that will find its audience, if it hasn't done so already

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