Tuesday, July 9, 2024

It Starts With a Birthstone - 200 Albums for 2024 # 170 Be Safe - Unwell


I'm unaware of the labels you're supposed to apply to all of the music I find myself listening to and deciding I'd like to write about. Today's Song of the Day, Be Safe and theur debut album Unwell is a case in point.

The band, from Williiamston, Michigan, led by Matt Wojcik are a sad bunch and no mistake. They're clearly not those who number themselves among life's happy travellers that's for sure. You almost half expect the cry of 'Help! I'm in distress' to issue from your speakers at any moment. Yikes they're anxious.

They'd probably be tagged Emo or Slowcore if you really needed to place them somewhere among the aisles of  the great Supermarket of Alternative Music if there is such a place. I jolly well hope so.

Wojcik is clearly not a glass half full merchant. A happy camper. Far from it frankly. His default mode is morose and I suspect he's listened to far too much of the likes of Codeine, Red House Painters and Slint in his time. OK but throw Jackson 5 into the mix at some point wht don't you. But no. It's Fugazi, Nirvana and Elliott. The miserable brigade in full formation. I don't mind at all. I like a good mope as much as the next man. Anti-depressants and Sylvia Plath,

What I liked about Unwell us that it might have been proper poorly but I found it a refreshingly robust listening experience. Musclar even! I put Be Safe's songs on several playlists before its run was done. Well worth a signature on the Get Well Card and I'll keep an eye out for Be Safe's next Mayday Signal. Not drowning but waving!

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