Tuesday, July 23, 2024

It Starts With a Birthstone - 200 Albums for 2024 # 158 Abbie Finn Trio - Stotties for Three


Every second Tuesday evening I pop round the corner from my flat on Clayton Street West in the heart of Newcastle. I'm off in search of some good Jazz and good company. Invariably I find both. In the Newcastle Arts Centre on Westgate Road they hold a free Jam Session attracting many of the finest local players and singers and a healthy and appreciative crowd invariably gather with their pints in the large basement area. Sometimes the music is just mindblowing. Considering this remains a free event, it's great credit to all concerned. 

These occasions to me feel like more than a relaxing evening out with a set of people I've known liked and respected for many years. It nurtures the best local traditions and principles which I've been so happy to witness and be a part of since I came to Newcastle. That was in 2008 when I used to hang out at Keith Crombie's Jazz Cafe most weekends and made some of the best friendships I've made in my 15 years in Newcastle. The quality of the playing and the good vibes generated over the course of the evening on one of these jam evenings can be so powerful frankly that the end result feels as much a source of epiphany and revelation as simply a night out listening to music.

The jam is chiefly organised and maintained by Paul Grainger a mainstay of the local scene. A double bassist, and general all round good guy. Paul also moonlights with the Abbie Finn Trio who can be caught live, or else sampled on their recently released debut album Stotties for Three

The other two players on this altogether excellent product that consciously foregrounds local culture, character, grittiness and pride are Abbie Finn herself who drums composes and arranges, and Harry Keeble providing melodic drection on Tenor Sax.

I took a fifty seven minute break from work on Wednesday lunchtime to take the record in and it was time very well spent. All three are fine players and they combine wonderfully here.. It's a record that's thick with endeavour, wisdom, invention and  wonder.  

Other reviews can be found here and on the band's Spotify homepage.. 

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