Sunday, July 14, 2024

It Starts With a Birthstone - 200 Albums for 2024 # 166 Metro Verlaine - Pop Sauvage


The hottest Rock & Roll Combo from Evreux Normandy come on all French on latest album Pop Sauvage. This record is big, bright, shiny and extremely Poppy. I like it very much in the same way that I loved another big bright Poppy record. Mattiel's Georgia Gothic a couple of years back.

Some records just exist for the visceral thrill. They're not particularly bothered about being held dear by the cool set. They just want to put their foot on the gas and head into the fast lane. Pop just such a record. 

Check out the sleeve. It's so wonderful. And very, very French. A cool couple Metro Verlaine we assume on a motor velo.  Not bothering with helmets. Female vocalist steering.

I was reminded of thise fabulous moments of French Eighties cinema. Diva, Subway, Betty Blue.Genuine freedom. Everything I love about French Chic and cool is on display. Serge, Francoise, Jcques. This nods to the past. Then zooms off into the future.

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