Monday, June 24, 2024

Song(s) of the Day # 3,775 John R. Brusseau


Up an 'at 'em. Another working week and I findd myself in Canterbury with my dear parents as they make their way through life's journey. Heading towards their nintieth birthdays.There are worse ways to set off towards immediate goals that with Laughing Towards The Sun's Parade. The opening track of John R. Brusseau#s latest record.

Are you ready for this. The album is called Everybody Gets What They Want: The Gospel Of John R. Brusseau. All good records are gospels. testaments. This is certainly a fine, worthy record. 

It's American independent American eccentricity. Somewhat reminiscent of the voices of Lou and Sufjan. A sixty six year old Christian Junguan thinker, His thoughts are scattered but determined. He shifts, sometimes within individual songs from religion, to politics to the ongoing fight against insanity and inanity.

Brusseay has a whispering, rambling, impressive spoken intonation. As well as Sufjan an Lou I was 'minded of St. Lenox. And his phenomenal, remarkable Ten Songs Of Worship and Praise For These Tumultuous Times.

The Gospel Of John R. Brusseau. stakes out similar territory. Finding holy ground in a Godless terrain. THis is an incredible record that offers ip mutitudes. Time for my bath. 

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