Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Song(s) of the Day # 3,773 Viggo Mortenson


Vigo Mortennsen strikes me as ine if the good guts. He's played the Hollywood game. But now it seems he plays his own because it's more satisfying. He's played so many interesting roles in so many great films down the hill. Now he's making great music too.

His latest film is a soundtrack. To a film which he appears in called The Dead Don't Hurt. Having Viggo in it it should be worth oing to see. It's an offbeat Westwer apparently. Ser in 1860's Nevada. The soundtrack is certainly good.  

It's instrumental. Ruminative. A lovely adjective which describes a lovely emotion. I've been listening to this while my laundry spins in the laenderette across the courtyard in the buildings where I live. There's beauty here.  don't have many heroes but Vigo it seems is becoming one. Exemplary work.


  1. Interesting! Looks like he directed it as well. I will have to give this a spin... and look out for the film. I do love westerns.

    1. He's always interesting Viggo. Lovely soundtrack.
