Sunday, June 16, 2024

Song(s) of the Day # 3,770 Walt Disco


This I'm afraid is an awful song(s) of the day. Generally on It Starts I try to post things that I like. I prefer to direct my energy in positive pursuits. But In Walt Disco's case I'll make an exception.

Walt Disco are Glaswegians. And ones with a rather high opinion of themselves clearly. On latest record The Warping they try to convince themselves and gullible listeners that they are David Bowie. Brian Eno aand Scott Walker reborn.They're not persuasive. Instead they're painful pseudo types.

They are hopeless chancers I'm afraid. After a few tracks of this I retreated to Pulp's His & Her's in fear of my sanity.  


  1. Good to give something a good panning every now and then to clear the palette! The name sounds familiar, although I may be thinking of the 90s band, Walt Mink. Might give this a miss, though... I rather liked the Martha Skye Murphy, This is Lorelei and Russian Baths albums from Friday.

  2. More interesting tips. Thanks. Don't bother with this. It's narcissistic claptrap. Got a few more of yours to get through. One lined up for tomorrow. Workers Comp. Excellent. That gives me plenty to work on for the coming week.
