Friday, June 14, 2024

It Starts With a Birthstone - 200 Albums for 2024 # 195 Wine Lips - Super Mega Ultra


Toronto's Wine Lips strike me as an uncomplicated bunch.You know pretty much all you need to know from thirty seconds of their latest album Super Mega Ultra. You're told right from the off that you're on a ride.

The ride proceeds for the next half hour. Twelve songs of full throttle Punk abandon. Black Lips perhaps the mmost pertinent reference point, You feel like you're there with them. Sweaty basement venue. Baseball caps worn at an angle. Stagediving. Vocals that sound ike the lead singer had just had a sharp intake of breath from a helium tank.

The whole funfair experience that Dictators, Ramones, Pere Ubu and DEVO and the like kick started in '75. It never gets tired, or old frankly. The pace never lags. Beat on the brat... 

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