Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Song(s) of the Day # 3,454 LYR


Now here's something that seems new. At least it seems new to me. A poet, a genuine poet. Simon Armitage. The actual Poet Laureate. His three-piece band, LYR. And their debut album The Ultraviolet Age.

His band is an Indie band. Rather than a Rock & Roll band. LYR don't really Rock, and when they try it tends to be a bit of a lumpen misstep. It makes them look like sensitive boys trying to have a fight on a Friday night.

At their best though LYR emote, and when they do that they can be genuinely moving and take you to places that Rock and Indie music rarely does. Towards the realms of genuine art.

There are plenty of precedents for this. Particularly in Indie music. Smiths, Pulp, British Sea Power, Manic Street Preachers, Elbow, Tindersticks. Bands whose paperback shelves are as important to them as their record shelves. LYR don't blanch with shame in their company. They're good and they know they are.

It doesn't always work for me. They're shy types really and when they start to throw rock poses it won't really wash. I get the feeling I'm watching John Betjeman's audition for Oasis or Kasabian. Sometimes when they slow things down they can be a trifle precious and overblown. You feel like you're listening to Guy Garvey's Sunday Afternoon 6 Music Radio show. Something I try never to do. It feels forced. Self-important. This is deep. Pay attention.

But elsewhere this can be genuinely captivating. Time stops. You appreciate the genuine beauty of great poetry and it works fine in this context. I imagine Armitage, as a genuine music lover, is thrilled with the prospects of his new venture. Though he needs some quality control, it must be difficult to fully  censor yourself when you're the actual Poet Laureate. It must go to your head a bit. Even if you were born humble as Armitage was.  Anyhow, there's much here that soars.


  1. Blimey! You have both intrigued me and put me off.... Think I'm going to press play and see how far I get....

  2. It's a mixture. Some of it put me off too. I really, really like some of it though. Don't mind some of Elbow but can't get through that Guy Garvey show. It's ridiculously full of itself..

  3. I didn't mind the music so much, it was the poetry set to music that I struggled with. It's really not my thing. I'm with you on Guy Garvey, though, although I stopped listening to 6Music during the first lockdown and never went back. I did tend to avoid him before that, anyway, for the same reasons as you!

    1. I don't listen to 6 Music much nowadays. Particularly not since they messed with Marc Riley and Gideon Coe which were the shows I listened to most.
