Saturday, February 1, 2025

Song(s) of the Day # 3,991 Rose City Band


Rose City Band provude a gentle, rolling backdrop for household chores or breakfast. A roadtrip perhaps. Their sound strikes me as an update on the early Dire Straits sound with C&W preferenced over Blues. They have a sound that doesn't grate for a moment. Smooth as the open highway.

Latest album Son Y Sombra doesn't tamper with a formula that the band has honed over years and several years. Sunkissed feels an apt description.This is a throwback. Creedence, Riders of the Purple Sage. Harking back to older times and simpler values. The record's a welcome reminder that such things are always possible. 

There's not a hint of cynicism or smarter than thou aloofness. Songs are titled Lights On The Way. Open Roads. We're not talking Pavement or Kurt Vile here. I have no end of time for both. But Son Y Sombra takes a simpler route to the same destination. Can Get There From Here. 


  1. Yeah, good stuff, Bruce. I had it on the other day. I liked their previous albums and this is very much in the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" mould. Very nice.

    1. That seems to be their approach. I admire the lack of cynicism.
