Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Song(s) of the Day # 2,514 Fleur


Shindig! is an interesting magazine which seems to be picking up pace and mopping up readers while better known names such as Q crash and burn. It seems custom built for those of a certain age and disposition who haunt second hand record shops in search of affordable second hand albums by The Pretty Things or Nina Simone. In other words, the likes of me.

Their album countdown this year evidences the constituency they cater for.Better known retroisms such as Bananagun, Daniel Romano, The Hanging Stars and Cornershop feature, just as they have or will in my particular chart. Elsewhere, they plump for rarer records of a similar stripe that have evaded my attention up 'til now.

Like this. Fleur by Fleur on Bickerton Records a label based in Caceres, Spainlman which clearly favours  contemporary artists who frequent a long past era in their heads. Generally the mid Sixties. At the heart of their roster currently is Fleur, a group fronted by Dutch singer Floor Elman.

Fleur are obviosly deeply enamoured with Ye-Ye, Joe Meek, France Galle, Gainsbourg, Hardy and masters of Parisian demimond poise. I'm not complaining. So put on your polo necks, your hip huggers and your coolest shoes and make your way down to the Rive Gauche. Tout suite!

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