Sunday, December 6, 2020

Albums of The Year # 20 Ora Cogan - Bells in the Ruins


A new album that came out a couple of weeks back but which passed me by until I saw a review of it in the current edition of Uncut Magazine, which I bought yesterday.

Anyhow, better late than never, because this is an immediately arresting record. Bells In The Ruins,Victoria B.C.Ora Cogan's seventh album in all. She's a new artist to me, but once again, better later than never, because I'll certainly be listening out for her from now.

So how to describe what's going on? It's the music that dreams are made of, somehwere between Jane Weaver, Broadcast and Mazzy Star, which should give you some idea of the texture and mood of this. Much of it has a strong electronic pulse to it, but Cogan's voice takes it elsewhere, into a mythic dimension.

As the record unwraps, the spell gets stronger. There are elements of Psych and elements of Folk here aligned with the pulse but really categories don't matter, it's just a gorgeous record.

An album that received little fanfare and perhaps will not get the attention it deserves from others. At least that's my perspective.This is so often the case, in music, as in life, but that means little to me. I was drawn in by the first song, fascinated by the third, utterly sold by the fifth and transfixed from there on. 

Eight songs that go for one word titles. One that adds the definite article. Songs that flit between two and five minutes. Not one of them puts a foot out of place. One of my favourite albums of the year. And there have been some damned good ones already. It finished too soon for my liking. Like the very best books. Hear it if you can. Now, if only we can find some way to get her off that rock!

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