Thursday, December 10, 2020

Albums of The Year # 16 Fiona Apple - Fetch The Bolt Cutters

 Number One on many lists. Slightly lower on mine. But it is excellent!

A useful rule of thumb of where records stand in the overall scheme of things, (at least for America), is The Best Ever Albums site, where the listings for past and present records are decided by the users themselves.

In recent weeks Fetch the Bolt Cutters the recently released new album from Fiona Apple has made its way to the top of the charts for 2020 above the latest records from The Strokes, Tame Impala and Grimes. It fits in with records Apple has released previously in being non-conformist, fussy and endlessly idiosyncratic but evidently this particular offering has hit a specific nerve.

She isn't quite an artist without precedent. You might hear echoes of Rickie Lee Jones, Liz Phair, Tori Amos, Laurie Anderson even Suzanne Vega at various points but Apple has certainly quietly carved out her own territory over the course of her career. 

The record might take a few listens for you to decide whether it's really one for you. But it's immediately arresting and marks itself as one to return to in order to form your own evaluation. All power to her elbow. I suspect I'm open to its angry, determined, percussive powers of persuasion.

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