Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Albums of The Year # 11 Mountain Goats - Getting Into Knives


America's Mountain Goats are a band that it's easy to take for granted. Partly because they're so unassuming, partly because they're so prolific. Also because they never get the media coverage. That doesn't prevent them from being consistently interesting and often quite excellent.

Such is the case with their latest record, Getting Into Knives, just out. Another set of gently beguiling narratives set to rolling guitar rhythms and underpinned by leader John Darnielle's unassuming but comforting vocals and lyrics. He's like the friend you call up when you fancy a few beers and good company that you know will make you feel better about you.

He's on fine form here. A set of thirteen songs that creep up on you and make you want to hear them again.Picture Of My Dress went straight on my Songs Of The Year playlist. Tidal Wave and Pez Dorado are right up there with it. These seem like songs for those of a certain vintage age wise. There's a middle aged wistfulness about Darnielle's craft now. But he's not one to dwell on the fact that some of our glasses might be more than half empty now. This record is terrific consolation

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